# Article Title Page No. 1 Measurement of Performance using Regression and Statistical Analysis of Big Data 01 - 07 2 Static Analysis of Crane Hooks with Different Cross Sections - A Comparative Study using ANSYS 08 - 12 3 Manufacturing of Metal Alloy & Hybrid Composites - A State of Review 13 - 20 4 Review of Microstructures and Properties of Felled Metal Alloy Composites (Al-17Si-Gr-Cf) 21 - 26 5 Performance improvement of a hybrid wind-solar hybrid simulated with a PI Controller 27 - 33 6 Mass Flow Rate and Pressure Analysis of Refrigerant with Variation of Diameter 34 - 41 7 Heat Transfer and Air Flow Analysis in Domestic Refrigerator 42 - 50 8 Multilevel Current-Source Inverter Grid-Connected Analytical Control Approach 51 - 54 9 Enhanced Analysis on Route Redistribution Using GNS-3 Simulation 55 - 63 10 Mechanical Behaviors of Banana Fibers Composites Reinforced Using Various Parameters 64 - 71 11 Study and Analysis of Haar Wavelet Transform using Hamming Code in Communication System 72 - 77 12 CFD Thermal Analysis of Heat Exchanger 78 - 83 13 Influence of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure and Properties of a New CADI 84 - 89 14 Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Silicon Nitride and Silicon Carbon Nitride Coatings 90 - 96 15 Analysis and Improvement of KPI Parameters in 5G Communication Networks 97 - 109 16 Cooling Effect Analysis of Transformer with Varying Shape of Fins 110 - 115 17 A Review of Performance Enhancement and Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks 116 - 119 18 Review based Paper on Power Entity with Unified Power Flow System 120 - 124