Volume 03, Issue 02 (June 2020) # Article Title Page No. 1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) control strategy for Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) 1 - 5 2 Enhanced Heart Disease Diagnosis using Fuzzy Expert System 6 - 14 3 A New Deep Edge Aware Image Contrast Enhancer from Multi-Exposure Images 15 - 22 4 Compressed Sensing Space Time Block Code OFDM System for Optical Communication 23 - 28 5 Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryer Using CFD 29 - 36 6 Brilliant Meter using GSM Technology 37 - 41 7 Analysis of Prophet DTN Routing Protocol under various Mobility Models 42 - 46 8 Performance Comparision of Proposed Oracle Based DTN Routing Protocol in a Dense Deployment Scenario 47 - 52 9 Impact of Buffer Size Variation on Delivery Ratio and Overhead Ratio 53 - 57 10 Simulation of Continuous Mode Hybrid Power Station with Hybrid Controller 58 - 62 11 Study of Optimization in Economical Parameters for Hybrid Renewable Energy System 63 - 65 12 Performance Analysis of QOS Parameters of 5G Wireless Communication Networks 66 - 75 13 Analysis of Solar Collector using CuO and Alumina Nano Fluids 76 - 85 14 The mitigation techniques inrush current of transformer and voltage sag compensator 86 - 91 15 Material Removal Rate Optimization During Production of Implants 92 - 100 16 Biogas Power Production and Optimization from Municipal Solid Waste 101 - 107 17 Effect of Carburization on the Mechanical Properties & Wear Properties SAE 1020 Steel 108 - 115 18 A Detailed Review on Object Tracking Algorithm for VLSI Applications 116 - 120 19 An Exploratory Review on Analog to Digital Converters VLSI Architectures 121 - 127 20 An Exploratory Survey of Techniques Used for Saving Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks 128 - 135 21 Taguchi Optimization of Process Parameters on the Hardness and Impact Energy of Aluminium Alloy 126 - 145 22 A Review of Optimization of Cylindrical Grinding Process 146 - 151 23 Review of Dynamic File Classification Solution Using Decision Tree Algorithm 152 - 157 24 Enhanced Multi-server Smart Card Authentication Scheme 158 - 169 25 Optimization of GMAW Process Parameters to Improve the Length of Penetration in EN8 Mild Steel & Stainless Steel using Taguchi Method 170 - 175 26 Assembly Line Balancing Optimization Based on Simulation 176 - 179 27 Study of Injection Moulding using Polypropylene H200MK Grade-1 180 - 189 28 A Comparative Study on Micro Electro-Discharge Machining for Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Shape Memory Alloy (NI-TI) 190 - 198 29 Simulation and Analysis of In Pipe Wall Pressed Robot for Inspection and Cleaning Operations 199 - 208 30 Simulation and Kinematic Modeling of 3 Axis Robot Arm for Random Weld Joint and Welding Operation 209 - 217